Thursday, December 27, 2012

Chronology for Christmas

In the generous spirit of Christmastime giving, we joyfully share with you one of our long-delayed projects: a year-by-year chronology of every San Francisco Giants team from 1965, our first year of fandom, all the way to the 2012 World Champions.

Visit the page "48 Years of San Francisco Giants Teams" and be, by turns, enthralled, appalled, engaged, and enraged. Watch as those names from the past come to life and stroll or stumble across verdant ballfields of memory. Sputter with coffee-flavored indignation at our indefensible choice of  "Best Player" for 1975. Allow the nostalgic memory of names like Dick Schofield, Ken Reitz, Enos Cabell, and Dave LaPoint to overwhelm your senses.  Bask in the warm glow of certainty that as San Francisco Giants fans, you adopt and cherish a baseball legacy like no other.

'Tis better to give than to receive. And it sure beats worrying about whether the Niners can still earn a first-round bye in the upcoming NFL playoffs. You're welcome.