Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Giants were idle.
Philadelphia lost again at Miami, 6-2. 
Cincinnati swept a doubleheader from Pittsburgh.
Milwaukee split a doubleheader with St Louis. 
Colorado and New York were idle.  

Giants at Seattle; 6:40 PDT. Tyler Anderson, who mastered the Mariners a week ago, opposes Ljay Newsome, who didn't get much of chance to face the Giants in his last aborted start.
Philadelphia are back home against the Mets, who can't afford to lose too many more.
Cincinnati has another opportunity to fatten up on the Pirates.
Milwaukee hosts St Louis; they trail the Cards by two games in the race for second place.  
Colorado gets the A's at home; Oakland has a big lead in the AL West and a chance for top seed.  

This may be our last year on this platform. We will be actively searching for a new host for this blog once the World Series concludes.  In case you were wondering about the appearance of the leaderboard, our friends at Google keep making "improvements" to Blogger that make it harder and harder for simple text-intensive operations such as ours to operate. We keep the daily leaderboard on an Excel spreadsheet, and until today a simple copy-and-paste worked as expected. Now it loads the cells as a picture, box- and grid-lines intact, which looks unspeakably hokey. So we take the grid-lines off before the copy operation, and the result is what you see above. The text, as you've undoubtedly noticed, is not as sharp as the text here in the paragraphs. And pasting the cells as "text" scatters the rows and columns haphazardly all over the page. This is just one of many irritating "improvements" that have been foisted on us. For instance, it now takes two commands to get into create mode, for no apparent reason. And going back in to edit mode on a previous post, to correct an error for example, now dumps us into HTML mode, and switching to "Compose" mode triggers a warning about data loss. As IT professionals, we find this Mickey Mouse process increasingly frustrating, so, to paraphrase Smokey Robinson, we're gonna shop around. 

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